OPEN CALL for Scripts and Bars Incubator 2023

Are you a creative in the music or literature sector? Do you want to level up your skills to a pro level, network with other creatives, and showcase your work to a wider audience? If you are a Zimbabwean citizen and resident between the ages of 18 and 35, then this is...

CASE STUDY- How Kuda Rwizi Went from Freelance to Published in under 12 Months

If you are a fan of African fantasy and sci-fi stories, you might have heard of Mutupo, a comic book series that explores a futuristic take on the tradition of totems by the Shona people of Zimbabwe. The creator of Mutupo is Kudakwashe Rwizi, a talented digital...

Case Study: How Kim Makumbe Became an Afro Pop Sensation through Scripts and Bars

If you are a fan of Afro pop and R n B music, you have probably heard of Kim Makumbe, the rising star from Harare, Zimbabwe. Her catchy single Body, which celebrates body positivity and speaks against body shaming, has been on Trace Africa music channel, reaching...

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The Genesis

The Genesis

Perfection was never meant to be defined in a moment,A moment in time against human expectations,For as from time in time to timeEverything that never was now is, and some still to be,Even trinity took six counts of creationbefore they manifested their own image,Dust...



Have you ever felt as though you were lostAs if you have been looking for yourself,As if you are not yourself, Like an innocent bystander for the script that is your life,Watching yourself evolve but not exactly allowing yourself to be, Like a child holding a compass,...

This one is for the fake friends

This one is for the fake friends

Have you ever had your phone hand youA package of neatly wrapped blue ticks?When you look at your contact list,All you see are strangers and temporary smiles instead of friends.When loneliness seems to be the only person answering your messages in a group full of...




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