This one is for the fake friends

Have you ever had your phone hand you
A package of neatly wrapped blue ticks?
When you look at your contact list,
All you see are strangers and temporary smiles instead of friends.
When loneliness seems to be the only person answering your messages in a group full of friends.
And life says,
“Welcome to depression.”
“Please leave your friends and family at the door. Make sure you packed your forgotten memories, loneliness and pictures of lost friends in your galleries.” 

I think Friendship thought since this is a new generation,
It also has to change its definition.
Friends have now become the latest action figures on the market.
Because the way we play with and play for our friends’ attention is saddening.
Conversations have slowly become seasonal events,
Care has turned into a hide and seek game.
Chats smell like dead memories waiting to be deleted. 

So, I will ask you this,
In a constellation full of friends, do you find any that shine in your life?
Has your DM become a museum of happy moments?
Is your Instagram feed just a wall of exiled friends?
Does your life seem to have a different best friend for every month?
And have you ever had a friend that lasts longer than your WhatsApp bundle?
You see, you have acquaintances,
Instead of friends!
Pride weighs more than love in your friendships.
Too busy fighting about who should have texted first,
Forgetting that friendship transcends all boundaries of social classes,
Meaning it doesn’t matter who texts first!
What matters is

I believe finding a friend is like falling in love.
The only difference is with friendship you fall knowing someone will definitely catch you.
You trust without knowing the outcome.
Accepting their faults as if they were perfections,
Helping for no payment,
Loving and wanting nothing in return.
Friendship is not perishable;
Neither does it have an expiry date.
Just because It has an “E N D” in it,
Doesn’t mean it was meant to end.
Friends are what you make them. 

By Lennox Makurumidze