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Kim Makumbe

Kim Makumbe is an upcoming young and vibrant, Zimbabwean singer-songwriter, with an unforgettable smile.

Where did your passion for music come from?

You could say loneliness. I was in boarding school in Grade One (yes, imagine that bundle of joy far away from home for 9 months of the year, that was me). I had so much time to myself that I ended up writing my own songs. I even recall having a 12-track album in my head, but only one song was English. The rest were gibberish. I’ve also been singing in church for close to 9 years now, that experience alone definitely nurtured the gift and grew the passion.

What do you hope people will take away from listening to your music?

The emotion, getting in touch with their emotional side. It may be emotion towards different issues in society, or just eargasms when you listen to good music. I’m a lyricist too, so there’s always a message I put across.

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